Saturday, April 4, 2009

Majoring in Chemical Engineering by Tony Green

Tony Green Blog - Chemical EngineeringEvery high student as arrived at college for the first time undecided on which major to pursue. The choice depends upon what you area you an aptitude is in and where you would like the degree to take you.
In my case during my high school course work I enjoyed my initial chemistry class enough to enroll in Organic Chemistry as a junior.

The first portion of my goal consisted of attending a good university and getting a quality education without bankrupting my families’ bank account. The second portion depended on obtaining a decent paying job devoid of being in school for 10 years. I learned engineers earned higher pay than their non-engineering graduates upon leaving school once I conducted some research and asked some people in the industry.

Moreover, various people pointed out to me that Chemical training would provide inroads into would various technology and industry positions not to mention other fields. Still, I questioned if I was doing the right thing and it might be beneficial to enroll general classes and chose a major in a few semesters. I decided to push forward starting, naturally, with my introductory chemistry classes.

After completing my course after some stumbles along the way I entered the work force concentrating on building a positive career.

Even though some of my undergraduate and early work experiences not enjoyable I was glad I choose to study Chemical Engineering. When I look back I do not regret my decision. Not one bit.

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Office ClipArt

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