Friday, June 22, 2007

Gallup Sales Personality Test Part 2 by Tony Green

I have now completed the Gallup test but did not earn myself an interview. It is something you can not prepare for but not for the reason I had originally thought. The difficulty is not that you do not know the questions. (I got coached by my recruiter) The problem is that you do not know the correct interpretation of your answers. Case in point one of the questions was,” Are you a perfectionist?” Depending on what answer you are looking for the correct response could be “No” if they are looking a realistic person who realizes that no one is perfect or a “Yes” if they are looking for someone who strives to do the best they can. Lots of people could go both ways on that one, including me. After more thought, if you read Part 1 of this blog the idea of using this test to identify candidates seem even sillier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the test is full of it. Depending on the question should you be honest or answer the way they want you to answer. Agree or disagree. If you strongly agree is that to much.