Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A new type of Blog Comment by Tony Green

I maintain a blog because anyone can publish content on the Internet so shouldn’t I? To be honest, it is something I enjoy as it provides insight to what I may be thinking at a given point in time and into my past experiences which is the basis of many of my postings.

Since I am not blogging to make money in an internet marketer point of view or blogging to drive my business how to measure the success of effectiveness of your blog?

One was I would imagine is number of readers who read my postings and the other would the amount of comments I receive. I am aware if you receive a comment from a posting then at least five people have read the posting and thought of the same thing but did not take the time to comment. If a blog has prompted someone to take time out to leave a remark after reading I consider the blog successful.

Most of the comments I receive are positive or neutral while many others are informative. Once in a while a scathing comment from someone who disagrees with my view or disputes the accuracy of what I posted. For some reason most of these send these comment incognito. (Thus eliminating a chance for me to respond)

Upon checking my comments a few days ago, I had a first occurrence where someone left a bunch of links to everyone’s favorite on line medications, Viagra, etc. After I chuckled to myself I deleted because if you blog can be seen by the public someone checking might not get the best impression. I thought these types of messages as a rule entered into spam filters never to reach the intended persons inbox.

In short, perhaps this is a new method’s for spammers to send messages no one wants
to see. Let’s face facts, I did read the “comment” and took the few minutes to write this blog.

With that said, I will move past my temporary annoyance and look at the big picture. At least someone took the time put to comment on my blog.

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