I checked the mail once I got home from work and I noticed I had received a card. I was surprised since my birthday had already passed and I figured it would be a while until any occasions where I should be receiving correspondence other than a billing statement.
The card was sent from my brother for father’s day. When I mentioned to my wife I received a card she replied,” Don’t worry we didn’t forget father’s day”, since the day was upcoming. Frankly I had.
I didn’t grow up with a father in the house so I grew accustomed to not planning for the day. Therefore Father’s day was not something that typically came up on my radar as something I needed to take care like Mother’s day. In my view the second Friday in June functioned as only another Sunday. The occasion still does not enter my mind even though I have been a father for over 10 years.
I do not need a gift of a card to realize the impact my children have made on me. I am grateful that I can at least participate in their upbringing, which is more than I can say about my father. My yearly gift is being a part of their lives.
How did I spend Father’s day this year? In the morning I played Wii with my daughter while on the afternoon I took my son to see Toy Store III, later the family went out to eat. Is it surprising I spent Father’s Day with my kids? I am father, after all, on this day and everyday are long as my children are with me.
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