It is the eve of the 2008 presidential election in the United States. In normal circumstances, I would be anticipating voting in this historic election, however, due to my permanent absentee status I have mailed in my ballot. Currently, I am in Japan to attend a business meeting convened at the last second.
In all likelihood, Barack Obama will be become the 44th President –elect of the United States. I was born at the end of the sixties and I would have never thought that this country, who I have proudly served in its Navy, would ever elect a black man to its highest office within my lifetime.
I wish I could be with my family to explain the historic moment in the history of the United States. As an African-American father I is my duty to ensure that the future generation understand the struggles proceeding this day. My children are both younger than 10 years old but I believe that they should at least experience enough of the occasion to be able to understand its significance.
For now, I am left to try to find an English speaking television station and give toasts the 88% of non-African-Americans who have chosen Mr. Obama their based on his ability and not his race and to the current 250 million Americans who hopefully will thrive under his leadership.
Champagne would be in order but given my current location, sake will work fine. Kampai!
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