My 40th birthday came and went a few weeks ago. The big 4-0. Many people asked if I feared turning 40. In short, being forty years ago is simply more justification that life moves along. Let’s take a glance at my life on the anniversary of my birthday in ten years intervals from today.
My preoccupation forty years ago involved my birth. On a clear evening my mom gave birth to my brother and me at the University of Pennsylvania hospital in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, I do not recall much from that evening :)
30 years ago I was a fifth grader at Lansdowne Friends School in Lansdowne, Pennsylvania which is outside of Philadelphia. I recall I started being interested in girls, of course, I had no idea where to start.
20 years ago I was matriculating at the University of Delaware as a Chemical Engineering undergraduate student. Like many college students who went to Delaware in those days, opportunities to party seemed to never subside. I was not of legal drinking age for the bars but I remember vividly partaking and having a good time. Moreover, I do remember many late nights which resulted in hangovers in the morning. In summary, the focus of my efforts did not center on my studies as much it should.
10 years ago in the later portions of my service in the U.S. Navy. I had been married for about a year and my son would be born in less than two weeks time. My memory does not recall what occurred on this particular day but since almost 300 days of the year either at sea or on-duty I am sure I spent my birthday on the submarine in one way or another.
All told, my life has been an interesting trip through the decades when I sit back and reflect. I do not believe appear to be 40 years of age. Assuming my life expectancy is 80 years then I am only half way through. ;) Where will I be ten years from now? Let’s worry about age fifty when the time comes.